Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tempera Materials and Preparation

Wood panels work best for egg tempera as flexible surfaces can allow cracking and chipping. Historically, wood panels were slow dried indigenous straight-grain wood. Resinous woods are unacceptable due to those resins.
Mermaid by Robert Addison Rubow,
egg tempera on wood panel

Plywood can be used, but works best if it is a high-grade cabinet plywood. Poor selection and preparation can cause the grain to be visible through the painting. This is not acceptable with this medium.

Hardboard can be used, though this modern product remains contentious in the artist community. Specifically, in question is the possible inclusion of oils in some productions. Oils could interfere with the adhesion of gesso to the surface. Presumably, and art panel intended for egg tempera would resolve this concern.

Like hardboard, canvas is considered undesirable. An unstable surface can lead to cracking and flaking of the finished work. Canvas is undesirable because of the flexibility of the surface. Is important to note that Botticelli’s “Birth of Venus” is tempera on canvas.

Heavy weight acid free paper can be used with egg tempera. The paper must be prepared much like a rigid panel using gesso. This does not resolve the concern of cracking in the final project.

For the best results any surface should be properly prepared. Traditionally, this is done with rabbit skin gesso. Acrylic gesso will inhibit proper adhesion of egg tempera due to the structure of the acrylic polymer and the way that product‘s moisture qualities in the product. This is especially true when working on paper.

Egg tempera must be applied to absorbent ground. As already stated acrylic gesso and egg tempera will not bind to produce a long lasting product. Though they may appear to bind in the short term. Acrylic also lacks the traditional ivory-like finish.

True gesso with it’s ivory-like substance is recommended by professional artists and sources. During the Italian renaissance native gypsum combined with a water-based animal glue. Rabbit hide glue is often used and can be found in a powdered form. But the making of the compound can smell, well, like a death house. Should you insist on using this product a well ventilated space as the smell will last for several

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